What Are Altcoins?

If you have started your journey into this new era of digital finance, you have probably come across the term “altcoin” quite a few times. Altcoins are truly shaking things up in the financial world, transforming how economies function and sparking innovative ideas left and right. From the nifty capabilities of smart contracts to the concept of decentralized applications, or even the dream of achieving greater scalability, these digital currencies bring a lot to the party. They are not just part of the ever-evolving crypto ecosystem; they are key players that could seriously influence various parts of our daily lives and the wider global economy.

In this friendly guide, we are all set to take you on a journey exploring the wonderful world of altcoins. We will cover the essentials, delve into their history, and highlight the distinct advantages they bring to the crypto table. But first things first, let us start with the big question — what is altcoin?

Crypto explained: What is altcoin?

Altcoin, short for ‘alternative coin,’ refers to any cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin (BTC). The term ‘altcoin’ was derived from the combination of two words, ‘alternative’ and ‘coin,’ and was coined (pun intended) to represent all cryptocurrencies that came into existence following the success of Bitcoin.

While Bitcoin was the first and is the most recognized cryptocurrency, it opened the door for a host of other digital currencies, each designed with their unique features, use cases, or underlying technologies. This is where altcoins come into play. Each altcoin represents an alternative version of Bitcoin, offering features or capabilities that its creators believe are not fulfilled by Bitcoin, or are in some way superior or different.

You may ask how they work? Altcoins work much like Bitcoin — they are a decentralized form of currency, transacted over blockchain technology, eliminating the need for traditional banking systems or governmental control. They can be used as a medium of exchange, store of value, or unit of account, similar to Bitcoin or traditional money.

However, it is important to note that while many altcoins exist as a digital currency, some serve functions that extend far beyond this basic purpose (different types of altcoins will be explained later in the article). For example, some altcoins are part of blockchain ecosystems that facilitate smart contracts and build decentralized applications, while others are used as tokens in specific platforms or for specific services. Some are designed with enhanced privacy features, faster transaction times, or different consensus mechanisms. Each of these factors can contribute to an altcoin’s value and potential use cases.

Now that we have explored the concept of altcoins, let us delve into the fascinating history of these alternative cryptocurrencies. Understanding their origins and development will provide valuable insights into the diverse and rapidly evolving landscape of altcoins.

The history of altcoins

Cryptocurrency as we know it today began with the creation of Bitcoin in 2009. Its anonymous creator, or creators, known only as Satoshi Nakamoto, developed Bitcoin as a decentralized peer-to-peer digital currency system to enable financial transactions beyond the control of any central authority. Bitcoin was designed to combat the problems of traditional financial systems, such as high transaction fees and the need for trust in centralized entities like banks.

The success of Bitcoin in the following years spurred the development of new cryptocurrencies. These came to be defined as ‘altcoins,’ as they emerged as alternatives to Bitcoin. Each altcoin proposed unique features or mechanisms, aiming to improve upon or differentiate from Bitcoin.

One of the first altcoins was Namecoin, created in April 2011. It offered a decentralized DNS, which made internet censorship more difficult. In October 2011, Litecoin was launched, known as the ‘silver to Bitcoin’s gold,’ which had a faster block generation time and a different hashing algorithm.

The altcoin universe expanded rapidly thereafter, driven by the potential of blockchain technology, which underpinned these cryptocurrencies, and the promise of decentralized finance. As of today, there are thousands of altcoins, each with its unique proposition and value in the crypto ecosystem.

Ethereum, launched in 2015, is perhaps the most significant altcoin to date. Developed by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum introduced the concept of smart contracts, enabling the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) on its platform. This marked a paradigm shift in the crypto world, expanding the use of blockchain technology beyond just a means of transaction, and opened the floodgates for a host of other altcoins that catered to various niches.

As of 2023, the altcoin ecosystem is diverse and vibrant, offering a multitude of options for users and investors. From tokens enabling DeFi protocols to altcoins focused on privacy, scalability, or governance, the possibilities are vast.

The history of altcoins reflects the ongoing pursuit of innovation and the drive to create alternative financial systems outside traditional centralized structures. As the crypto space continues to evolve, we can expect the emergence of new altcoins and further advancements that push the boundaries of what is possible within the world of digital currencies.

Understanding altcoins: technical aspects

The technical aspect of altcoins encompasses the underlying technology, consensus mechanisms, and security features that govern their operation. While altcoins operate similarly to Bitcoin - using blockchain technology to record transactions - they often introduce different functionalities and improvements in their technical frameworks.

The role of blockchain technology in altcoins

Blockchain technology plays a foundational role in altcoins, just as it does in Bitcoin. At its core, a blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that records all transactions across a network of computers, also known as nodes. This underlying technology grants altcoins their essential properties and enables a host of innovative functionalities.

One of the key ways in which blockchain technology is crucial to altcoins is its role in decentralization. Perhaps the most significant feature of blockchain technology is its decentralized nature. In traditional financial systems, a central authority, such as a bank or government, verifies and records transactions. However, with altcoins, the blockchain distributes the ledger across multiple nodes, thereby eliminating the need for a centralized authority. This aspect of decentralization not only enhances security by ensuring the system does not have a single point of failure but also promotes transparency since all nodes have access to the transaction data.

Blockchain technology also instills a high degree of security and trust by using cryptographic principles to secure transactions, rendering them virtually tamper-proof. The immutability of a block of transactions recorded on the blockchain means it is nearly impossible to alter or delete, which builds trust among users who can be confident that their transactions will be secure and permanent.

In addition, blockchain technology is harnessed by many altcoins, such as Ethereum, to go beyond merely financial transactions. They facilitate the implementation of smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with terms and conditions directly written into code. These smart contracts function on the blockchain and automatically execute transactions when the predetermined conditions are met. This capability has spurred the development of decentralized applications (dApps) on blockchain platforms, introducing a wide range of functionalities, including decentralized finance (DeFi), supply chain tracking, and decentralized exchanges, among others.

Another aspect is tokenization, facilitated by blockchain technology, which enables the creation of tokens. These tokens often find utility within a specific platform or application. For instance, an altcoin like Ethereum provides for the creation of ERC-20 tokens, which organizations can leverage for various purposes, including Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).

Finally, to maintain the integrity of the system, blockchain technology employs consensus mechanisms, such as Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS). These mechanisms validate and verify transactions and ensure that all nodes agree on the state of the blockchain.

​​Consensus mechanisms

Consensus mechanisms, also known as consensus protocols, are a crucial element of blockchain technology, including altcoins. They are used to validate and verify transactions, prevent double-spending, and maintain the integrity and security of the blockchain. There are several types of consensus mechanisms, each with its own strengths and weaknesses:

  • Proof of Work (PoW). This was the first consensus algorithm in a blockchain network, implemented by Bitcoin. In PoW, miners solve complex mathematical puzzles to validate transactions and add new blocks to the blockchain. The first one to solve the puzzle gets the right to add the block and receive a reward. PoW is highly secure but is criticized for its significant energy consumption.
  • Proof of Stake (PoS). In PoS, the creator of a new block is chosen in a deterministic way, depending on its wealth, also defined as stake. It eliminates the need for massive energy consumption like in PoW. In PoS, there are no block rewards, so the miners take the transaction fees.
  • Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). A variation of PoS, in DPoS, stakeholders elect delegates to manage the blockchain on their behalf. These delegates validate transactions and maintain the blockchain. DPoS is more efficient than traditional PoS and offers better scalability but may lead to centralization due to delegate concentration.
  • Proof of Authority (PoA). PoA is a consensus mechanism in a private blockchain which essentially gives one client (or a specific number of clients) with one particular private key the right to make all of the blocks in the blockchain. This makes it a centralized blockchain protocol, which might be efficient, but not as decentralized as PoW or PoS.
  • Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT). There are several versions of BFT, including Practical BFT (PBFT), Federated BFT (FBFT), and others. BFT mechanisms focus on resolving issues where network participants send different information to different nodes, leading to a lack of consensus or fraudulent activity. BFT mechanisms aim to create a system where consensus can be achieved even when some nodes fail to respond or respond dishonestly.

Different altcoins use different consensus mechanisms, and it is one of the primary differentiators among various altcoins. The choice of a consensus mechanism impacts the security, scalability, decentralization, and speed of transaction processing on the blockchain.

Types of altcoins

Altcoins can be classified into various types based on their functionalities and purposes:

  • Payment tokens are specifically designed for exchanging value between parties. The most well-known example of a payment token is Bitcoin.
  • Stablecoins aim to reduce volatility by pegging its value to a stable asset, such as fiat currencies or precious metals.
  • Security tokens represent tokenized assets available on stock markets, enabling ownership in real estate, stocks, or other assets.
  • Utility tokens are used to access services, pay fees, or redeem rewards within a particular network. Ethereum’s Ether is an example of a utility token.
  • Meme coins quickly gain popularity driven by online hype and speculation (inspired by jokes or parodies).
  • Governance tokens grant holders specific rights, such as voting on protocol changes or participating in decision-making within decentralized organizations.

These types of altcoins exemplify the diverse functionalities and purposes within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. More about different types of crypto, you can find in this article.

Advantages of altcoins

Altcoins present a plethora of benefits that derive from their inherent diversity and innovative capabilities. These cryptocurrencies often introduce groundbreaking features, mechanisms, or use-cases, thereby addressing certain limitations of Bitcoin and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of digital finance. Whether it's smart contract functionality, as in Ethereum, or the privacy-centered design of Monero, altcoins regularly offer unique benefits to their users.

One particularly noteworthy advantage of altcoins is the potential for financial inclusivity. Traditional financial systems often exclude large parts of the world’s population due to bureaucratic hurdles, geographical remoteness, or simply the lack of infrastructure. Cryptocurrencies like altcoins can help bridge this gap by providing a universal, decentralized medium of exchange, independent of local banking systems. This could potentially enable millions of unbanked individuals to participate in the global economy.

In addition, altcoins can provide better scalability and energy efficiency. Bitcoin’s proof-of-work algorithm has been criticized for its high energy consumption. Altcoins such as Ethereum are transitioning to proof-of-stake systems, which not only consume less energy but also improve the transaction speed and overall scalability of the network.

Finally, it is worth mentioning the investment potential of altcoins. While they are generally riskier than Bitcoin due to lower liquidity and market capitalization, altcoins can offer high returns on investment. Their lower price points often make them more accessible to individual investors. However, it is critical for anyone considering investing in altcoins to thoroughly research and understand the associated risks.

Altcoins contribute significantly to the cryptocurrency ecosystem through their innovative technologies, financial inclusivity, improved scalability, and potential for high returns. However, as with any investment, they come with their own sets of challenges and risks.

Top 5 altcoins in 2023

As of 2023, here are the top five altcoins by market capitalization:

  1. Ethereum (ETH) is the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, making it the most significant altcoin. Ethereum is much more than just a cryptocurrency; it is a platform for decentralized applications (dApps). Unlike Bitcoin, which aims to disrupt traditional banking and money systems, Ethereum’s goal is to use blockchain to replace internet third parties -- those that store data, transfer mortgages, and keep track of complex financial instruments. Ethereum’s native cryptocurrency, Ether (ETH), fuels these operations.
  2. Binance Coin (BNB) is the native coin of the Binance cryptocurrency exchange, one of the largest and most widely used exchanges in the world. BNB has several use cases: for instance, users can use it to pay for trading fees on the platform, participate in token sales, and more. It is also part of Binance’s decentralized exchange ecosystem.
  3. Ripple (XRP) is the native cryptocurrency for products developed by Ripple Labs. Its primary use case is for transferring value in the Ripple network. XRP acts as a bridge between different fiat currencies, allowing for faster and more efficient cross-border transactions. Ripple Labs aims to disrupt traditional cross-border money transfer systems by providing a more efficient solution through XRP.
  4. Cardano (ADA) is a blockchain platform for smart contracts, similar to Ethereum. However, Cardano's approach is unique in that it adopts a layered architecture for its network, resulting in more security and scalability. The platform’s native cryptocurrency, ADA, is used to power its network and participate in the platform’s governance.
  5. Dogecoin (DOGE) has become one of the most well-known cryptocurrencies (originally created as a joke). It gained significant attention and a substantial increase in value due to high-profile endorsements and a dedicated online community. Despite its origins, Dogecoin has found use cases in micro-tipping and charitable donations.

These top five altcoins are leading the way in the cryptocurrency market, each with their unique attributes and use cases. They represent the diverse range of possibilities that blockchain technology offers. From facilitating smart contracts to enabling efficient cross-border transactions, these coins illustrate how cryptocurrencies can extend far beyond the simple concept of a decentralized digital currency.

How to get started with altcoins?

If you are looking to get your hands on popular altcoins like ETH, BNB, or even the meme-favorite DOGE, Utorg is here to make the process quick and hassle-free. With just two simple steps, you will be on your way to owning the altcoins of your choice:

  • Create an order. Start by specifying the currency pair and the amount of altcoins you want to purchase. Do not forget to provide your crypto wallet address so we know where to send your coins.
  • Pay for altcoins. Choose from a range of convenient payment methods, including credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and more. Complete the payment, and voila!

Once the payment is processed, your chosen altcoins will be swiftly sent to your wallet. It is as easy as that - quick, secure, and hassle-free.


1. What is altcoin?

An altcoin, short for “alternative coin,” is defined as any cryptocurrency that is not Bitcoin. They often present variations in terms of underlying technology, use-cases, or economic models, thus providing alternatives to Bitcoin’s functionality and applications.

2. What is the point of altcoins?

Altcoins provide an alternative to Bitcoin, often introducing new features, capabilities, or improved efficiencies that address Bitcoin’s limitations. They also serve as platforms for innovation and experimentation, allowing for the exploration of diverse applications of blockchain technology in various industries.

3. What are popular altcoins?

Popular altcoins in the cryptocurrency market include Ethereum (ETH), renowned for its smart contract capabilities; Binance Coin (BNB), a native coin of the Binance exchange; Ripple (XRP), which enables fast, low-cost international transactions; Cardano (ADA), recognized for its unique proof-of-stake consensus mechanism; and Dogecoin (DOGE), a meme coin that has gained significant traction in the crypto community.

4. Is altcoin cryptocurrency?

Yes, an altcoin is a type of cryptocurrency. Essentially, all digital currencies other than Bitcoin, the first and most recognized cryptocurrency, are classified as altcoins.